Nút dây
1. Nút dẹt
- The square knot is a classic for connecting lines and tying knots. Whether you are tying two ropes together to make a longer rope, or you are tying up a bundle of firewood to carry, the square knot is a winner. It’s much more secure and stable than its cousin the granny knot, which everyone is probably familiar with as part of tying their shoes.

2. Nút cột thuyền
- The Clove Hitch is an easy knot to tie, and it secures a line to a tree or post quickly, but it does slip when used alone, without any other knots as a backup.

3. Nút thòng lọng
- It is a simple knot to attach a line to a post or bar

4. Nút tăng dây lều
- The taut line hitch takes the place of a slide to tighten or loosen a loop in a line (like a tent guy line). This knot grips well as long as there is tension on the “taut” side of the loop.

5. Nút ghế đơn
- The bowline creates a loop at the end of a rope that cannot shrink or expand. This knot is often taught and illustrated with a poem of a rabbit coming out of the hole, hopping in front of a tree, going behind the tree, and back down his original hole.

6.Nút nối dây câu

7. Nút kéo gỗ
- The timber hitch secures a rope to an object for hauling or to act as a support.